India Introduced Measures To Support Solar Power

India is currently implementing a plan, which seeks to those who use solar power plant and grid-connected power plants provide preferential policies.

New Energy and Energy Conversion officials said, the Department decided to implement the model plan, support in the construction and grid-connected solar power plant.

The scheme aims to develop and demonstrate the power grid interactive solar features, lower equipment costs and power generation costs.

Ministry officials said that the current solar power plant that the initial inputs and the costs of power generation, such as the decision of the Department with the power grid interactive power plant to provide incentive funding.

The Department will interact with the grid per kilowatt solar power provide a maximum of 270 cents. In the country's 11th five-year plan period, the demonstration project limited to 50,000 kilowatts of solar power plants.

Source: 中国太阳能网 Jan. 10, 2008