United States 12 Cities Will Receive Funds For Construction Of Solar Energy

United States 12 cities have been selected as the United States focused on building solar cities, 12 cities will receive federal funds and technical support to help promote solar energy projects.

Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said Friday that the federal government will provide up to 12 cities 2.4 million US dollars of funds available, 12 cities in the use of these funds must be committed full deployment of solar energy technology and sustainable development solar-related R & D facilities construction. Bertelsmann held in the Denver City New Energy Science Forum 2008 announced: These solar cities goal is to achieve leaping development of solar energy, to encourage other cities in the United States to accelerate solar-related construction.

Selected cities from different regions, which have varying degrees of solar energy resources and experience with solar energy technologies. Each city will use a variety of ways to build their solar energy infrastructure, in the forefront of technology research. The technologies include concentrated solar energy for industrial use such as large-scale solar thermal power generation and use of technology, such as solar water heaters, as well as civilian, the sunlight directly into electricity solar panels.

The United States Congress, the Department of Energy will provide an estimated value of 3 million US dollars for technical assistance to the new solar cities. The technical experts will help city resources into integrated solar energy-related technology, solar financing options, and so on.

Solar cities of the first annual meeting will be held April 14 to 16 in the Arizona cities of Tucson held sunshine.

Source: 筑能网 Apr. 2, 2008